Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Over the last week or so, posters for this disc have been cropping up all over Adams Morgan:

Yes, Bolton Swings Sinatra. I had hoped against hope that this was some kind of hipster prank, Adams Morgan being the party mecca that it is for the college and post-college set. Sadly, it appears to be all too real. Michael Bolton bringing his unique song stylings (e.g. screeching and straining in a faux-earnest fashion) to some of the best loved hits of Ol' Blue Eyes.
That this exists doesn't really surprise or bother me. That virtually every shop owner in Adams Morgan is willing to put up the poster does, immensely. I hope they at least made a few bucks on the deal.
One other thing I've noticed walking through the neighborhood and riding the Metro of late is all the kids running around with their backpacks. And based on my purely unscientific observations of what these tykes like, I think I've come up with the mortal-lock smash hit story of the decade: Spider-Man meets Dora the Explorer
Trust me, the pre-tweens would eat this up with a spoon.
Posted @ 5:59 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
From a WaPo send-off piece for The West Wing:
I don't think that Toby would betray the man he respects and loves most in the world. - Richard Schiff, on Toby's military shuttle leak Truer words were never spoken.
Posted @ 10:38 AM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Overheard on the Red line this morning, regarding CIA Director nominee General Michael Hayden:
"Doesn't he look like the bastard love child of Rove and Rumsfeld?"
Posted @ 9:15 AM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Victory is ours! This September, George Lucas will finally release the original, unbastardized versions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi on DVD.
I knew if I just held out long enough, this day would come. I'm so glad I didn't spend any money on the "improved" versions.
The WaPo review for 1776 came out today. Not a glowing one, but I've seen worse. In fact, it seems to me the main cause for the reviewer's less than stellar impression comes from having seen the show more times than he cared to over the last few years.
Ah well. As they say, opinions are like cowboy hats.
Allergies are absolutely kicking my ass this year. I don't know if it's a good year for pollen, or an effect of working in a different location. All I know is I can't remember the last time my eyes and throat felt so scratchy without the "aid" of a head cold.
Posted @ 5:13 PM
Am we talking to myselves?
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