Thursday, April 27, 2006
Welcome to my 2nd Annual "I'm Glad Brett Favre is Playing Another Season" post.
I'm glad Brett Favre is playing another season.
That is all.
Thanks for tuning in. Join us again next year, won't you?
Posted @ 8:30 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
Welcome, 1776 audience members!
 Thanks for stopping by the House of Cheer this weekend! I hope you enjoyed the show. Please poke around the place, kick the tires, put your feet up, and whatever other cliched activities you can think of to engage in!
I'd be more creative here, but I just poured my heart out to you people on stage. What do yo want from me, blood? Sheesh!
Seriously, to those who've seen the show, thanks for coming. And to those who haven't, what's stopping you? C'mon on out and see us! You'll never look at the Founders the same way again.
(Special thanks to Jeff "Ben Franklin" Westlake for the customized poster.)
Posted @ 5:59 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
A few days back a reporter from the Vienna Times (Hi Evan!) came out to interview the cast and crew of 1776. The resulting story was published yesterday, and a couple choice quotes of mine made it into the piece. You'll see the one I'm most proud of at the end of the story, and as the new tagline to this here blog.
(Special thanks to my dad sending me the link to the story)
Posted @ 5:52 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hell Week. Two words that strike fear (or at the very least, mild trepidation) in the hearts of every community theater person. It's a week of long nights, little sleep, meals on the run, and almost total lack of contact with your loved ones.
That's my life in a nutshell this week, folks. With a little luck, I can sleep all day Saturday to recover.
Posted @ 6:31 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
A change occured to one of my favorite programs recently, a change I immediately disliked. And my negative opinion of the change has only grown more solid as the weeks have passed.
During the opening credits of The Colbert Report, there's a shower of words describing the illustrious host. Sometime in the last couple of months the final word, "GRIPPY," has been replaced with "MEGAMERICAN."
The latter seems kinda obvious and humdrum compared to the edgy oddness of the former. Plus, Stephen's expression as he points toward the word (not to be confused with "The Wørd") really doesn't match with the new entry, whereas before it synched up quite nicely.
Mr. Colbert, if you're listening out there, I implore you: bring back "GRIPPY!"
Posted @ 6:23 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
As a connoisseur and collector of nicknames for almost twenty years, I loved today's piece in the New York Times on the subject, "Mi, a Name I Call Myself. And You Are?"
I've gone by many nicks in my life. Some were derived from my given name: Johnny, Little John, Jack. Many came out of my high school years: Nightwing, Jester, John Deere. Still others, as with many in the story, came from my online dealings: T. Earl Grey, Greywingnut, Pixie. Never could get anyone to call me Monsignor, though...
Posted @ 6:33 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
My lack of posting over the past five weeks has not been for a lack of things to say.
Case in point: completely by chance, I met former Washington defensive end Dexter Manley a few weeks back. Apparently one of my co-workers struck up a conversation with him in front of our office, not realizing his identity. This was eventually revealed, and Dexter ended up coming inside to talk with the staff, sign autographs, and take pictures. It was great meeting him. He seemed genuine, warm, and quite outgoing.
Last year, the Washington Post did an article chronicling what Dexter's up to these days. After the years of turmoil he's put himself through, it's heartwarming to see him find such a positive, constructive path for himself. And you know me, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
Posted @ 1:24 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
It's going to take me a while to get used to the new look of the New York Times site. Objectively I can tell that it's better, but it just doesn't feel right yet. I figure it'll be at least a month before I'm comfortable with the new format.
Posted @ 1:07 PM
Am we talking to myselves?
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