Friday, February 17, 2006

After running a few errands this afternoon, I'm off to Farpoint with my ol' buddy Hutch. We put in a couple hours of volunteer time last night, helping set up the main ballroom. It was our first time pitching in, and we had a blast. We'll also be helping out with registration and security over weekend. Finally, power is ours!

Speaking of Hutch, he's finally joined us online. Check out what he's got to say. It's a MySpace dealee, a service with which I'm not too familiar. The kids seem to dig it, though.

And now, because it's been a while since I've done one, it's time for a Big Honking Tease! I've got several major announcements, big changes and cool stuff, to discourse about. Look for a post on that next Wednesday or thereabouts.
Posted @ 9:50 AM

Saturday, February 11, 2006

It's time to add a new player to the holy quartet of pre-snow panic grocery hoarding.

We all know the foursome - bread, eggs, milk and toilet paper. I've been aware of this for the better part of two decades. I'm sure others have known this much longer.

But last night I stumbled upon one more item which had flown beneath my radar up to now. And like the original four, it is white.

So what's the foodstuff that's morphed the Fantastic Four into the Fearsome Five?


When I went to my main neighborhood grocery store last night, there wasn't bag or bottle of popcorn to be had. I then hit an alternate store and was lucky enough to snag their last two small jars.

To be clear, I'm not talking about microwave popcorn. There was plenty of that to be found. It's regular, pop-on-the-stovetop popcorn kernels that have disappeared from the shelves.

It makes sense. If you think you're going to be stuck at home for a couple of days, you're going to want snacks and you're going to want activities to help pass the time. Popping popcorn the old fashioned way fits that bill quite nicely.

I'm trying to look at the inconvenience I had to endure in a positive light. If tasting popcorn the way the Flying Spaghetti Monster intended it to be made helps one more person forsake the evil that is microwave popcorn, it will have been worth it.
Posted @ 9:22 AM

Monday, February 06, 2006

You say you want parodies of some of the biggest movies ever made? In thirty seconds? As performed by bunnies?


(My buddy Hutch comes through again. I'd tell him to start his own blog, but then I couldn't present all this great stuff myself.)
Posted @ 7:49 PM

I've been tagged on this meme twice now, so I guess I have no choice but to play along! :)

The Four Things Meme

Four jobs I’ve had
  1. Editor
  2. Honors program advisor
  3. Public opinion pollster
  4. Toy store "opener/closer"*

*because apparently calling me an assistant manager, which is what I was, would have required them to pay me a better wage

Four movies I can watch over and over
  1. Apollo 13
  2. The Blues Brothers
  3. Field of Dreams
  4. Galaxy Quest

Four places I’ve lived
  1. Chicago, IL (7 years)
  2. Des Plaines, IL (7 years)
  3. Waldorf, MD (7 years)
  4. Williamsburg, VA (2 years)

Four TV shows I love
  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  2. Mystery Science Theater 3000
  3. Star Trek: The Next Generation
  4. The West Wing

Four places I’ve vacationed
  1. The Wisconsin Dells
  2. Williamsburg, VA
  3. La Palma, Canary Islands
  4. New York City

Four of my favorite dishes
  1. Calamari
  2. Chiang mai noodles
  3. Chili
  4. Steak

Four sites I visit daily
  1. 'Bred Crumbs
  2. Google News
  3. New York Times
  4. John Scalzi's Whatever

Four places I would rather be right now
  1. A beach in Hawaii
  2. Chicago
  3. Farpoint!
  4. New York City

As a rule I don't tag others, but if anybody's inspired to join in on this meme because they saw it here, go to it!
Posted @ 2:55 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. Six more weeks of winter.

But if it's gonna be six weeks of weather like we've had so far this year, I won't complain. DC is looking at a high of 57 today. Monday we were in the mid 60s. We haven't seen snow on the ground in nearly two months.

I'm almost to the point where I'd like to see some real snow. Then I look at the long driveway I'd have to shovel, and the desire for that heavy white stuff passes quite quickly.
Posted @ 9:25 AM


Am we talking to myselves?

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