Friday, June 07, 2002
All's quiet on this front lately. Rehearsals for Anything Goes continue apace (a fast pace) and the weather is already falling into a typical summer pattern of hot, humid days and rainy nights.
A couple of dear friends have asked for help with moving in the next few weeks, giving me a chance to relive my mid-twenties. Back then, it seemed every other weekend in June or July found me hauling heavy objects up stairs and through narrow corridors, followed by feasting on beer and pizza. On the alternate weekends of those early post-college days, I'd have a wedding to go to; roomie Hutch is reliving that end of the experience for me.
The other dominant fact of life currently is hope. In fact, this is a highly hopeful time. I don't want to talk specifics, for fear of jinxing things. I've still got enough superstition in me to make me hold my tongue. All I will say is I've not felt such hope and quiet anticipation in a very long time. Send some good thoughts my way if you get the chance, won't you?
I'll close out this non-post post by directing your attention to the hot site of the moment: Build Your Own South Park Character. I got it from a friend, to whom I'll link once I get the all-clear from him.
You can even make yourself, as I did. Behold South Park Jack:

1:22 PM < To return to this entry, save this link
Monday, June 03, 2002
Attack of the Clones has been out for a week and a half now and, at the risk of damaging my sci-fi geek street cred (not to mention my purple lightsaber traffic), I've not yet seen it. My plan was to wait at least a week, for two reasons. First, I wanted to let the crowds thin out a little. Second, by not rushing straight out to give George Lucas my $7.50, I was making a small token statement about my dissatisfaction with Phantom Menace. But I knew I'd be going sooner or later. Several of my friends had really enjoyed it, the reviews have been much better than those for the last one, and come on, it's Star Wars.
My desire to see the film started to waiver when my friends Jen and Dan gave it a less-than-glowing critique over some mighty tasty steaks last night. I'd heard reports of clunky dialogue and stilted acting from other sources, but they actually had to avert their eyes from the screen at times lest the horrific banality overwhelm them. Suddenly I'm on the fence; do I really need to see this thing just because it's Star Wars?
Then, a couple of hours ago, my buddy Tim gave me a powerful shove off that fence. He and I don't often see eye to eye on popular entertainment, but his argument against this film was simply too compelling to ignore.
So no Clones for me, at least not until the DVD comes out. And even then, I'll watch my roommate's copy, with a cold beer handy to help wash down the badness.
2:41 AM < To return to this entry, save this link
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