Thursday, January 24, 2002

Welcome to the latest installment of "Things That Creep Me Out." Today's subject is "fitness personality" John Basedow.

I've suffered through this overly-defined musclehead's Fitness Made Simple ads for months now. Until this evening, I merely found the guy a tad unsettling.

Tonight, while being subjected to the sight of his oily mid-section for the umpteenth time, I noticed something that pushed him into the realm of the truly disturbing, a place formerly reserved for singing belly-buttons: if you look closely, you can actually see a large vein pulsing to the right of his abs when he flexes. I just know I'll have nightmares featuring that particular image.

And what the hell is a "fitness personality" anyway?
11:02 PM  < To return to this entry, save this link

Brave New World and post-Crisis Superman fans, rejoice! A workable artifical womb is on the way.
8:51 PM  < To return to this entry, save this link

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

You'd think with my current work status I'd be posting here a lot more often than normal. Yet, as even a casual glance below will show, I'm lucky to get something new in here twice a week of late. I guess job-searching just isn't something I find interesting to write about, at least not the way I'm doing it.

Not to worry though, dear readers. The coming weeks promise to bring some blog-worthy events, including auditions for a new show and (hopefully) actual job interviews

If nothing else, February sweeps are just around the corner. Maybe this whole Rachel and Joey thing on Friends will piss me off enough to help me get my write on.

When I become a dad someday, I hope I'm smart enough to let the little tyke be herself.
11:10 PM  < To return to this entry, save this link

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