Thursday, April 28, 2005

There are lots of little tidbits running around inside my head right now, but none meaty enough to warrant more than a line or two. Sounds like its time for me to once again Clear Out The Brain Buffer™.

Congratulations to Tina Fey and her husband, who've just announced they're expecting their first child. I have no doubt that my favorite TV girlfriend will make a great mom.

After taking a week or so to mull it over, I'm coming around on Brandon Routh's costume for the new Superman movie. At first I didn't like the smallish "S" symbol and the muted color palette, but now that I've had to some time to get used to the changes, they're growing on me.

Scientists have discovered why caffeine makes us more alert, and I found the conclusion surprising. Apparently, caffeine inhibits the brain chemical adenosine, which tells us when we're tired.

So if I read this correctly, caffeine is a depressant, not a stimulant. Weird.

The trailer for Serenity, Joss Whedon's film follow-up to the brilliant, short-lived series Firefly, hit the Web this week. I'm stoked. Now I just have suffer through the next five months until it premieres.

I'm in another show. Yeah, I know I was supposed to retire from community theater, like, two years ago, but I can see now that just isn't going to happen. This one is Kiss of the Spider Woman at Kensington Arts Theatre. We open in about two weeks, and it promises to be a good one. If you're in the area, come on by and see us.

And that's the state of my cranium on this April 28th. We now return you to the confines of your own skull.
Posted @ 1:29 PM


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