Wednesday, November 10, 2004

One quick post-election thought, this one having almost nothing to do with party partisanship. It's based purely on rank pettiness.

I'm thrilled that beer baron Pete Coors went down to defeat in his bid for a Senate seat representing Colorado. Why should I give a flying fig about who the junior senator from the Rocky Mountain State is?

Because when I was in Denver earlier this year, the hotel I stayed in was also being patronized by delegates to the Republican nominating convention. There were a bunch of Coors supporters staying on my floor, folks in their early to mid twenties.

My last night in the hotel I went to bed around 10:30. I had an early flight home and things to do once I got back, so I wanted to be well-rested.

That plan was shattered around midnight when drunken Coors supporters began treating the hallway like their personal playground, shouting and slamming doors every seven to ten minutes. This went on for over two hours, going on just long enough to wake me but never long enough for me to get out of bed and confront these inconsiderate sots. I maybe pulled five hours sleep that night.

So while my reasons are vindictive and small, I am taking a measure of joy in Coors' defeat. I even hoisted a fine brew to toast the event. A bottle of Bass Ale, to be precise.
Posted @ 6:58 AM


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