Thursday, May 27, 2004As he does with alarming frequency, today John Scalzi makes an excellent point about the writing life and blogging in particular:...blogs and Journals to a very great extent are descended from the epistolary impulse. This is a consistent flaw in reporting about blogs and Journals: Reporters tend to think about them as mini-newspapers or magazines, but they are equally open letters to friends and strangers (who often then become friends).Sad to say, I think I'd begun to lose sight of this truth. It's part of the reason posts here of late have been sporadic. My hit numbers are down slightly, which has caused me to wonder if it's worth it to blog.
Jack Scheer's House of Cheer [] © 2001-2008 Jack Scheer.
Unless otherwise noted, images and text are by Jack Scheer and may not be reproduced or distributed,
in whole or in part, without the the author's permission.
e-mail address: jack at jackscheer dot com