Saturday, February 28, 2004

With about thirty hours to go before the Oscars (which means Joan Rivers' Oscar pre-show should be starting any second now), here are my predictions for the "Big Eight" categories, plus the two music slots and Animated Film.

Most of these are based on little more than gut feelings, so take them for what they're worth:
  • Animated Feature - Finding Nemo
  • Song - "You Will Be My Ain True Love", Cold Mountain
  • Score - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  • Adapted Screenplay - Mystic River
  • Original Screenplay - Lost in Translation
  • Supporting Actress - Patricia Clarkson, Pieces of April
  • Supporting Actor - Ken Watanabe, The Last Samurai
  • Lead Actress - Charlize Theron, Monster
  • Lead Actor - Bill Murray, Lost in Translation
  • Director - Peter Jackson, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  • Best Picture - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Not a lot of daring choices in there, I'll admit. But seeing as the Academy rarely hits us with surprises, I think I'll end up being right on at least eight out of these eleven.

In addition to the three categories listed above, I'm expecting Lord of the Rings to take home six others, for a grand total of nine.

So there you have it. All I've got left to do now is pop some popcorn, enjoy the show, and see how I did.
Posted @ 2:38 PM


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