Thursday, February 19, 2004

An article in today's New York Times heaps praise on TiVo's peanut-shaped remote, calling it "a textbook blend of complexity and ease of use."

I was thrilled to see this article, as it spurred me to do two long-overdue things:
  1. Bitch about my new TiVo remote
  2. Disagree vehemently with the Times, a paper I'm usually far too deferential towards
My folks, in a characteristically generous bout of Christmas gifting, bestowed a TiVo Series 2 box upon me this past holiday. I love it to death, and in almost every conceivable way it's vastly superior to the first TiVo unit I bought two years ago.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for the remote that controls it.

My original TiVo's remote is a wonderful little gadget. Sleek up front and comfortingly bulbous behind, it fits my hand perfectly, nearly melding with it. Virtually any button I need to hit regularly is well within reach my thumb. Its silver color makes it a snap to find, regardless of where I may lay it down.

The new remote is overdesigned for what I need it to do. I find the peanut shape awkward. If I hold it in the middle, hitting buttons is difficult. If I hold it by the end, the balance is off and half the buttons are completely out of reach. Its black color means it doesn't stand out from the other two remotes I already have laying about.

The design world may gush over the TiVo peanut, but I doubt the typical user is quite so enamored of it. At least this typical user isn't.
Posted @ 1:08 PM


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