Saturday, December 20, 2003
It's been almost two months to the day since I last directly linked to an item on John Scalzi's wonderful blog, so it's probably safe to do so now without simply appearing to be his slobbering, sycophantic fanboy. Which, of course, I am. But that's beside the point.
Today's bit of brilliance covers a topic near and dear to my heart: why middling to near-great books make for truly great cinema. It's a sentiment I've long held, but never expressed quite so well as John does here.
I fear for him, though. His explanation is illustrated using the Lord of the Rings books and films as a perfect example of this truth.
I can't help but worry that orc-like hordes of Tolkien fanatics are at this very moment converging on Ohio, scouring the countryside for his home and screaming for his blood.
Posted @ 10:57 AM
Am we talking to myselves?
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